Students and Stakeholders Visit LADWP Pine Tree Wind and Solar Facilities |
LOS ANGELES — Students from Lone Pine High School in the Owens Valley and several dozen people joined Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) officials for a tour of LADWP’s Pine Tree wind and solar generation facilities of Mojave, California on October 29, 2013. The tour coincided with a 100-mule procession making its way from the Owens Valley south to Los Angeles in honor of the 100-year anniversary of the completion of the Los Angeles Aqueduct in 1913. The tour provided L.A. City Council staff, UCLA researches, environmental organization representatives, and the students the opportunity to get a first-hand look LADWP’s commitment to renewable energy.
“This tour gives us the opportunity to present the future of LADWP to stakeholders in local government and the community as we make a major shift in the way we produce energy for our customers,” said Randy Howard, Director of LADWP Power Planning and Development. LADWP has set a goal of reaching 33 percent renewable energy by 2020. The facility at Pine Tree has a combined solar and wind output of 143.5 Megawatts. The Department will continue to expand its renewable resource portfolio in order to provide a clean energy future for Los Angeles. Following the Pine Tree facilities tour, attendees watched the steadily advancing column of 100 mules make its way across Jawbone Canyon as they follow the Aqueduct route. Titled “100 Mules Walking the Los Angeles Aqueduct,” the walk was conceived by Laruen Bon and the Metabolic Studio as a “commemorative action to connect Los Angeles to its water source.” The mules began their trip at the Aqueduct Intake in the Owens Valley on October 18 and have been moving south since. The mule walk will culminate almost 240 when they participate in the Glendale Veterans Day parade followed by a special ceremony at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center. “As the mules make their symbolic march to Los Angeles we are reminded of our past,” LADWP engineer and unofficial historian Fred Barker told the group. “They helped build an engineering marvel that enabled the small pueblo of Los Angeles to become the great metropolis it is today.” On November 5 the LADWP will host a reenactment of the opening of the Aqueduct Cascades northeast of the city with dignitaries, elected officials and invited guests. Simultaneously at LADWP headquarters downtown, there will be a special public centennial event viewing and open house. For more information about the Los Angeles Aqueduct Centennial, visit For more information, updates and rout information on “100 Mules Walking the Los Angeles Aqueduct” please visit ### |