LOS ANGELES (November 3, 2022)—An increase to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (LADWP) turf replacement rebate now pays residential and commercial customers $5 per square foot when they replace their lawns with sustainable landscaping. This marks a 67% increase over the previous rebate of $3 per square foot. The incentive increase joins LADWP’s already extensive suite of generous rebates and programs promoting water use efficiency amid ongoing drought across the region.
“Los Angeles is one of the most water efficient cities in the world because Angelenos know how scarce and precious this resource is – and have stepped up to take advantage of the rebates and incentives we’ve put in place to reward conservation,” said Mayor Eric Garcetti. “Turf replacement is already one of the most popular and impactful tools that Angelenos use to cut back on their water use, and by nearly doubling the rebate, our City can set an even higher bar for conservation in the face of an intensifying drought.”
“Angelenos care deeply about sustainability, and the increase in the turf replacement rebate will help encourage environmental stewardship,” said Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell, the chair of the City Council’s Environmental Justice committee. “I want to thank Angelenos for being cognizant and responsible in the face of the megadrought, and I appreciate the efforts of Mayor Garcetti and LADWP to help customers conserve water while saving money on their bills.”
Customers wishing to participate must first receive application pre-approval before beginning their replacement project. Residential customers can receive $5 per square foot on projects from 250 square feet to 5,000 square feet, for a total maximum rebate of $25,000. Commercial customers can receive $5 per square foot on projects from 250 square feet to 50,000 square feet. Larger commercial turf replacement projects, ranging in size from 50,001 square feet to 7 acres, are eligible for a $3 per square foot rebate beyond the initial 50,000 square feet incentive for their project.
“LADWP’s increased $5 per square foot turf replacement rebate is one more example of how we are doing our part to help our customers do theirs during this drought, to make it easier for our customers to take that next step in their conservation efforts. Replacing one square foot of turf with sustainable landscaping saves approximately 44 gallons of water per year, and those savings quickly add up. We urge customers to take advantage of this incentive to find a more water-conscious solution for their yards,” said Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners Vice President Cynthia Ruiz.
“Our customers logged record-low water use for June, July, August, and September, and I commend all Angelenos for the role they have played in stepping up water conservation habits and water use efficiency. With this rebate of $5 per square foot to replace existing turf, we hope we can encourage more customers to say goodbye to their grass in favor of California Friendly® and native plants,” said General Manager and Chief Engineer Martin Adams.
Over its lifetime, LADWP’s turf replacement program has incentivized the replacement of almost 52 million square feet of turf. The associated water savings are equivalent to the amount of water used by more than 28,000 homes annually.
To further support customers in their transition to sustainable landscaping, LADWP also offers free services to make it easier to swap thirsty turf for low-water-use, sustainable gardens.
- The two-day, DIY Lawn Be Gone workshops held on the lawn of a willing LADWP customer, give hands-on instruction to attendees on how to replace turf with sustainable landscaping, and all points in-between. LADWP also offers classroom-based trainings for developing your plan, implementing the project, and maintaining your new landscaping.
- The Turf Replacement Design Service provides customers professionally prepared, custom landscape designs.
- In partnership with the Theodore Payne Foundation, the California Native Plant Landscaper Certificate Program provides an opportunity to educate professional and local gardeners on the appropriate maintenance of your new sustainable landscaping.
LADWP also recently increased the rebate rate for its Technical Assistance Program (TAP), which encourages water efficiency among commercial and industrial customers. Through the program, customers implementing water-conserving projects can now receive $7 per 1,000 gallons of potable water saved. Free cooling tower assessments are also available. The total maximum rebate that a customer can qualify for remains at $2 million or the cost to implement the project.
To learn more about LADWP’s turf replacement program, visit ladwp.com/landscaping. More information about conservation rebates is available at ladwp.com/save for residential customers and ladwp.com/cwr for commercial customers.