LOS ANGELES (November 7, 2017) – The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (LADWP) Summer Shift Energy-Incentive Program has once again proven beneficial to large customers and the city as a whole with substantial energy and cost savings during the recent summer heat storms. Summer Shift helped incentivize large commercial and industrial customers to shift their energy use away from high peak periods, between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., when demand for electricity is at its highest. Overall accumulated savings from Summer Shift participants totaled 16,634 MWh, enough to power 2,772 homes for one year.
“The participation of our large commercial customers in Summer Shift helps ensure that LADWP can continue to provide reliable electrical service to all our customers during the peak hours of the hottest summer days,” said LADWP General Manager David Wright. “The strategic and resourceful use of our electricity prolongs the life of our equipment, reduces inconvenience and discomfort for all residents during the hot summer months and makes us a more sustainable and energy efficient city.”
For the second year in a row, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) was recognized by LADWP’s Board of Commissioners as the top energy-reduction incentive recipient for its energy-savings contribution under the Summer Shift Program with a check totaling $127,450.85. LAUSD’s participation in the 2017 program helped save 12.7 MW, enough to power close to 2,000 homes for one year.
“The Los Angeles Unified District is honored to receive LADWP’s recognition on our energy-savings efforts for the second consecutive year,” said L.A. Unified’s Chief Facilities Executive Mark Hovatter. “The Summer Shift Program is a reminder that we can save resources by using less energy without impacting our daily activities. For L.A. Unified, redirecting our energy savings to the classroom is a win-win.”
Summer Shift is known as an energy load-shifting program and was designed to enhance electric reliability during the summer. The program runs from June through September in a calendar year and provides an incentive of $10 per kilowatt (kW) to large commercial and industrial customers who agree to shift the hours that they use energy from high demand, peak periods to earlier or later in the day.
The program is open to any large commercial LADWP customer with an electrical demand greater than 250 kW and a smart meter that measures the amount of energy shifted or reduced. Participants enter a contract with LADWP for the aforementioned months for a period of two summers. Customers can shift work schedules to two hours earlier, shift production or operations to two hours earlier or later or adjust thermostats, reduce lighting and reduce air conditioner usage from 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
For more information on Summer Shift please visit www.ladwp.com/com_electric or call 213-367-4718.

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