August 18, 2008
Persons who continue to use a hose to wash sidewalks, driveways and gutters can be cited under the municipal code and fined between $100 and $600 depending upon the size of their meter.
An added bonus for customers using a broom rather than a hose is measurable savings on their water bill. Someone who hoses down a driveway or sidewalk daily can achieve 1,050 gallons in water savings a week. Multiple this by 52 weeks, minus rainy days, and substantial savings of both water and money can be achieved.
To learn more about water conservation programs offered by the LADWP and the Metropolitan Water District, and for conservation tips for indoor and outdoor water savings, please visit or
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the nation’s largest municipal utility, provides reliable, low-cost water and power services to Los Angeles residents and businesses in an environmentally responsible manner. LADWP serves about 1.4 million electric customers and 680,000 water customers in Los Angeles.
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