October 26, 2007
Upon the announcement of his retirement from service to the people of the City of Los Angeles and their government, the following biography was released by the Deaton Family:
Ron Deaton, a southern California native, was born in Long Beach on January 12, 1943 to parents, Nellie and Olon Deaton who came from Arkansas during the dust bowl. Ron attended Long Beach public schools from elementary school through Long Beach State College where he graduated with a B.A. in Economics. He is especially proud of graduating from Long Beach Poly High School, home of America’s greatest athletes. After graduating from Long Beach State in 1965, he began as an Administrative Assistant with the Power System of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. While at the DWP he earned his MBA from the University of Southern California.
It was at DWP he met his wife Ellery who also worked for the Power System. They were married October 1, 1966 in Seal Beach. Four years later in 1970 after moving from DWP to the Chief Administrative Officer’s office, their first child, David was born. Dan, Deidre and Dara were all born in the next few years rounding out the family to four children, two boys and two girls. Today, Ron is the proud grandfather of ten, eight girls and two boys.
During this period of time, Ron transferred into the Chief Legislative Analyst’s office as an analyst where he worked for eight years. Ron worked his way up in the CLA’s office to become the Chief Legislative Analyst for the city council in 1993. It was during this time in the CLA’s office that he met and learned so much from the late John Ferraro, former president of the Los Angeles City Council. John was a gracious, strong leader who was greatly admired by all who knew him. Ron learned much about serving the public and how to get things done on behalf of the public from his friend John. It was very gratifying to Ron when the General Office Building of the Department of Water and Power was named, “The John Ferraro Building.”
Ron’s great passion was to be sure that the citizens of Los Angeles had a government which served them. He worked on everything from the 911 system to ensure rapid police response time to building new parks for residents in every part of the city. He developed library services so children and adults regardless of income level would have access to learning and entertainment. Ron took a part in getting the aquarium in San Pedro renovated. He was devoted to the Los Angeles Zoo and making it a clean, natural habitat for animals. His commitment to the children of our city was one of his top priorities. Ron was instrumental in much historical restoration in the city, including the Point Fermin Lighthouse and The Pueblo. He helped restore our city’s finest buildings, most notably, City Hall. He lobbied in Sacramento and Washington to insure LA’s autonomy and to keep LA’s revenue in LA for the benefit of the citizens of LA.
Due to his untimely illness, he regretfully has announced his retirement. There was much more to be done and he would like to lead the charge to get it done. But, with gratefulness for the years he has given at city hall, he passes his city, the great City of Los Angeles on to the next generation. This city is a treasure and needs to be cared for and protected by each generation. Ron has spent his life dedicated to preserving and caring for this treasure.
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